Making screens

As any of you screen printers out there will testify, a lot of the time spent making a print goes to the image and screen prep.
It's a messy, wet, and time consuming process, but one of the many lessons I have learnt over the years is that - if you want a good print, then you have to treat your screen like a prize sports car. If you give it love, then it won't let you down.
Here's a few shots from the workshop today, prepping for the third installment print for Jumpers For Goalposts.
Nothing glamorous here!


Here are a couple of scenes from the print shop today- printing the second layer on Chris's Liverpool Football Club screen print. (Part of the Jumpers For Goalposts project you can read about here)
Looking pretty good so far. The red is so vibrant! I use TW Graphics inks and their intensity is incredibly strong.
Next up gold, then a white overprint.
All will be revealed in due course!

Nine Months

Juno is a whole nine months now! Such a cutie and becoming more and more independent, wanting to crawl, or just get somewhere.
In just nine months she has brought such an abundance of joy (and noise) to our home.

Another view

Flicking though photos on my computer, I see these Instagram shots taken by my man- @davemoore1971. Mostly taken while out walking our coastal path with Juno in the pram, while I contemplate getting out of bed. He's a keeper!